[aprssig] SheevaPlug plug computers for igates?

Bill Vodall WA7NWP wa7nwp at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 11:27:15 EST 2009

>>The NSLU2 has

>> It also
>> requires 5V power (around 1A I think).
> IIRC it's 2A.

Since the NSLU2 has 2 USB ports, it needs an overrated power supply to
handle the worst case which would be two USB clients with their max
draw of .5 A each.  The actual power consumption, which I haven't yet
measured, is much less.


Our embedded platform of choice these days is the Fonera 2.  It's at
the high end for internal memory, totally open software, has a USB
port and is $50.  Unfortunately, as of yesterday, it was out of stock.

Bill - WA7NWP

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