[aprssig] APRS Priority bit

Scott Miller scott at opentrac.org
Wed Aug 19 11:28:58 EDT 2009

How about a congestion-limiting feature like frame relay, too?



Robert Bruninga wrote:
> APRS needs a priority bit so that the network can make decisions
> about traffic during times of stress.
> We have been looking for a way to include a PRIORITY bit in all
> APRS packets for many years, and there are 3 available bits in
> the standard packet, but they cannot be used until UI-view is
> obsolete.
> This last week we did find that one of these bits IS backwards
> compatible with UI-view and so we would like to move forward on
> this issue.  Please read:
> http://aprs.org/aprs12/priority-bit.txt
> Basically, we will use the CASE of the OVERLAY byte to indicate
> ROUTINE or PRIORITY.  If the overlay byte is UPPERCASE or
> missing, then the packet is ROUUTINE.  If the case of the
> overlay byte is -lowercase- then the packet is PRIORITY.
> Last week testing confirmed that UI-view and most other clients
> will display these lower case overlays, or can be updated to do
> so, so this has now been added to the APRS12 addendum.
> www.aprs.org/aprs12.html
> This combined with the OPERATOR PRESENT bit which has been
> defined for years, gives operators an easy way to differentiate
> assests of immediate value during times of stress and to
> minimize or ignore routine or unattended systems as needed.
> DIGIPEATER code can add a SYSOP parameter that allows a sysop to
> designate a local emergency and to implement a MINIMIZE function
> that lets the digipeater make decisions on traffic load based on
> packet priority or other parameters.
> Bob, WB4APR
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