[aprssig] spaces in object names

Curt, WE7U archer at eskimo.com
Wed Aug 12 23:38:02 EDT 2009

On Wed, 12 Aug 2009, Steve Dimse wrote:

> There is nothing incompatible with the statement that object names must not 
> contain two or more consecutive spaces. Adopting that proposal reduces the 
> chance for communications errors. I just cannot see a situation where having 
> "A  B" and "A   B" as distinct objects would ever be considered an 
> enhancement.

I'd like to see a spec _recommendation_ that multiple consecutive
embedded spaces in an object/item name be discouraged, but that if
present they should be maintained by client software as received.

"Discouragement" perhaps should even go as far as a pop-up warning
box during creation which warns the operator about the "improper"
practice.  The client software should not disallow the creation, but
should make it more difficult, with a specific choice by the
operator to continue in that case.

This sort of operation should decrease the accidental creation of
like-named objects in a stressful situation yet not go as far as
changing the string as received.  I find combining multiple embedded
spaces into one space quite distasteful.

Curt, WE7U.                         <http://www.eskimo.com/~archer>
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