[aprssig] It was a fun Ride while it lasted

kb2scs at optonline.net kb2scs at optonline.net
Wed Sep 24 08:02:11 EDT 2008

Hi All
          The end of an era. APRS-SCS is no longer being supported by 
me. So in honor of the TAPR DCC being held this weekend
you can go to 
and download the APRS-SCS source code.
APRS-SCS was written in VB6. MIcrosoft is no longer supporting VB6.
If someone wanted to continue APRS-SCS they would have to port it over 
to some other programming language such as VB.net.
You may freely use the code in APRS-SCS in your own programs all I ask 
is that on your "ABOUT" page you give APRS-SCS and KB2SCS credit.

Shameless plug.
This Friday 9/26 I will be doing a presentation at the DCC on my new 
software EcomScs and GateWaySCS. Both programs work with connected
AX25 packet radio,

EcomScs is a packet radio internet E-Mail client. GateWayScs is a 
Internet to Packet Radio and back gateway. GateWayScs allowes EcomScs 
stations to send and receive Internet E-Mails via RF.

Please go to 
to learn more about EcomScs and GateWayScs.

Hope to see you at the TAPR DCC

Let us hope we never witness the "Silence Of The Hams"
73 DE John  KB2SCS
       Packet:           kb2scs at wa2pnu.#nli.ny.usa.noam
       E-Mail:            kb2scs at arrl.net
       APRS-SCS     http://www.tapr.org/~kb2scs
       Web Page:     http://www.qsl.net/kb2scs

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