[aprssig] Voice Repeater Frequency Objects

Jeff N0JUH jefflists08 at corrt.com
Wed Sep 17 21:28:36 EDT 2008

Hi Earl -

Are you reading the thread, or just uncomfortable with conflict? :)

Maybe Jason is just trying to understand what Bob means, and is feeling 
frustrated with the difficulty of understanding the spec.  If I were 
writing aprs software, I would certainly be frustrated.  Here's my take 
on it:

Bob [I think] is saying: the aprs user should be the final authority in 
formatting of the comment (within the parameters of the spec.)  Bob 
considers the human operator to be that user with the formatting 
authority.  The software must not change what the operator hath written.

Jason [maybe] agrees that the aprs user should be the formatting 
authority, BUT he believes that the human operator has delegated much of 
that authority to the client software.  He has a point there, since most 
  aprs users don't have a clue about packet formatting, we HAPPILY 
delegate that task to the software.

I think they both have valid points, each from his own perspective.  In 
my view:

  1) [if it doesn't already] Xastir should have some kind of "don't mess 
with my comment" and "only append to my comment" switches that the user 
can set.

  2) The APRS Spec should state [if it doesn't already] that, while the 
"/A=" data MAY appear anywhere in the comment, it must not interfere 
with any other position-sensitive data in the comment.

   -- Jeff N0JUH

Earl Needham wrote:
> 	Don't you two think this one has gone long enough with both sides 
> restating their position repeatedly?  There is nothing new in the 
> discussion, it almost sounds like "ARE TOO!"  "AM NOT!"
> 	7 3
> 	Earl

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