[aprssig] VX-8R Update

Steve Noskowicz noskosteve at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 8 23:37:03 EDT 2008

It says avail in November 08


Data sheet is at:
http://www.radioworld.co.uk/catalog/VX-8R.pdf    4.3 Meg

 My summary:
TX Range:      50-54        144-148   222-225    440-450 
Power max: 5 W FM  1 W AM    5 W       1.5 W       5 W  
RX: AM  FM  WFM   500 kHz - 999.99 MHz.  (Cell blocked)
Dual Independent Ham Receive (V/V, V/U,  U/U )  [no U/V]
Simultaneous AM/FM stereo broadcast Rx
CTCSS  DCS Encode & Decode
APRS 1200/9600 bps (B Rx only)
Weather Receiving with Weather Alert
Barometric (altitude) and Temperature sensors
1267 Memories (some are frequency specific)
Memory name 16 characters
Spectrum Display ±50 channels 
Time domain display (O-scope) of received modulation
Submersible IPX57  (3 feet for minimum of 30 minutes)
7.4 V 1100 mAh 1800 mAh Lithium-Ion batteries   3.7” x 2.4” x 0.9”
VOX, ARTS, AM Band Bar Antenna, CW Practice, Emergency CW Tx, Rx Atten
 	   Clock timer, TOT, APO, Mic gain, Bat saver, Fixed Tx offsets. Int/Ext Charging
3x AA battery pack (reduced Tx power 1.5W 50/144/440  0.5W 222)
Bluetooth hands-free with BU-1 and BH-1 (stereo) or BH-2 (mono)
GPS unit [Requires Bluetooth mic or remote mic]
Drop-in charger

73, Steve, K9DCI


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