[aprssig] Internal cards

Phillip zl2tze at yahoo.com.au
Sat Nov 29 13:46:51 EST 2008

Hi Arte,
               You should be able to drive these cards with WIN98 or WIN 98
SE I run DRSI internal cards  and TNCs here in a old PC AMD K6 with 64 meg

I run WIN FBB, DOS Xrouter, BPQ, UI-View16  it is connected to the Internet
via ADSL  its been bullet proof for many years, it even did telnet
forwarding to about 15 overseas stations 

I was running 4 FBB ports in the hay day now its 1, and APRS on the very
same, also doing TCPIP routing 

Ui-View16 with standard Ui-view maps is what I use on this PC it has been
very good.

You may need to look for some extra memory on Ebay etc 

I understand you can still get new Mthboards with ASA slots but the cost
about $ 150 more than normal.

I brought up several ASA / PCI mthboards so I have a few spares

You can still get Anti Virus software which is up dateable . 

73 Phillip

Message: 10
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2008 10:55:58 -0500
From: Arte Booten <n2zrc at optonline.net>
Subject: [aprssig] Interesting setup ... but will it work?
To: APRSSIG <aprssig at tapr.org>
Message-ID: <4930148E.1040605 at optonline.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Hi all,
     I have the following two interesting pieces of hardware, which I bought
specifically to set up a computer dedicated to APRS.  The first is an A.E.A.
PCB-88 TNC (the equivalent of a PK-88, with a twist).  The other is from HAL
Communications, a P-38 HF modem (precursor to their DXP-38).
     The twist with both of them is that they're each full-length ISA cards,
taking their own com ports and IRQ's.
     My intent is to have an HF>VHF gateway which will not transmit at all -
I am, after all, a Technician, not General - , have the VHF port retransmit
HF packets addressed via GATE, as well as being a WIDE1-1 "fill-in" digi.
     I also want it to be able to connect to a TCP-IP server to pass what I
hear there.
     Is this feasible for someone that does not know how to write his own
programming code?  I am flexible in setting up this machine with Linux, DOS
or Windows 2000 or earlier.
     Or am I just suffering from wishful thinking  8-{)>  73

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