[aprssig] aprssig Digest, Vol 53, Issue 25
winston at winston1.net
Thu Nov 27 23:35:21 EST 2008
Tony are you part of the york region club? In either case, if you're
free on Tuesday you should stop by our meeting... there's actually a
few people who are of like mind about the poor state of 144.39 within
the region... Perhaps if we arranged a sit down we could come up with a
way to deal with the QRM and make it actually useful to mobile stations..
Tony Komljanec wrote:
> My opinion... Until APRS progresses beyond simple ALOHA, it will not
> be reliable and without *RELIABILITY* it is a "flash in the pan". I'm
> all for slotted, Self Organized (like AIS) or other channel access
> control methods. In the mean time.....
> What is knocking my enthusiasm out of me are the folks who put 6 fixed
> WX stations in an area each transmitting once per minute on 144.390,
> combined with long paths with "Ed at home" every few
> minutes. Overpowered digi's don't help either as when they transmit,
> every other igate and digi for 50 miles goes deaf. QRM is very high
> with FIXED-FIXED traffic while the MOBILE-FIXED gets
> squashed. Reliability for mobile message delivery is poor.
> My area is covered by a couple well placed iGates (and many, many
> digi's) so even a path of LOCAL or Wide1-1 will get into APRS-IS when
> the channel is quiet enough. What can I do within my control (new
> iGates and digi's) to improve APRS in my area without feeling that all
> is for naught?
> Can a bi-directional iGate that is NOT a digi help move traffic to or
> from the internet if that is what people want for their mobiles, WX
> stations and telemetry.
> When is a digi simply adding to the QRM?
> In my W1 area I hear a lot of traffic that is targeted for APRS-IS
> being rebroadcasting through high digi's 2 or more hops. My own
> underlay (fill-in) iGate contributes message delivery to APRS-IS
> perhaps 10% of the time (packets which would have otherwise been lost)
> of what it hears. The other 90% of the time other wide area (high)
> iGates successfully hear and move the traffic to APRS-IS before my
> iGate does (my iGate delivery becomes duplicate an is tossed by IS).
> If I turn on my iGate's digipeater functions (W1-1), I'm effectively
> adding redundant packets to the frequency 90% of the time to the
> detriment of the channel loading. In the area, W1 is successful when
> not being killed by fixed station QRM. For this reason I've tried
> turning the digi function off.
> We already have "path correction" to downsize the number of hops.
> Perhaps an intelligent iGate or digi could ignore packets passing
> from user selected iGates or wide coverage digi's assuming that the
> packed is already successfully in APRS_IS? A fill-in digi with
> "polite" channel access dumps packets that are repeated by a wide-area
> digi? Since position is usually sent by APRS mobiles, the smart digi
> or iGate could remain fully engaged with close in mobiles (example: #
> filter m/15)? This sort of autonomous decision making could reduce
> the "polution". Alas, I'm not a programmer, just a very capable RF guy.
> What can I do within my control to improve APRS in my area without
> feeling that the effort to improve reliability is futile?
> Tony K
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 21:38:23 -0500 (EST)
> From: "Bob Bruninga " <bruninga at usna.edu <mailto:bruninga at usna.edu>>
> The dumb-tracker-to-internet .... was just a flash in the pan.
> We have got to overcome this mentality and get back to APRS as a
> RECEIVE and local RF distribution system where we PUSH information of
> immediate value to the MOBILE operator. Then it becomes something
> that he remains interested in and wants more.
> NOthing wrong with alternate inputs (either 144.99 or UHF) to give
> locals un-congested INPUT priority, but the output should always be on
> 144.39 from the high digi (which can hear everything so that it
> avoides collisios). In fact such local alternate inputs are
> receommended, but NOT just to go to an IGate, but to go to RF on
> 144.39 which is where the intended USER (receiver) is.
> Bob, WB4APR
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