[aprssig] Transatlantic amateur radio balloon in flight

Mark Conner mconner at aer.com
Wed Mar 12 13:26:50 EDT 2008

A weather balloon with amateur radio tracking equipment aboard was launched by the University of Tennessee Amateur Radio Club from Knoxville TN on the evening of March 10th.  The balloon is now approaching England and France and is near 50N 20W at 20,000 ft as of 1700 UTC today.  It will hopefully reach the English or French coast tonight.

Details at http://spiritofknoxville.com.  Telemetry is by CW/RTTY with automated reception and forwarding to the UTARC server (similar to APRS-IS).  Format/protocol is not APRS but certainly in that spirit.

73 de Mark N9XTN

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