[aprssig] APRS value at events

Chris Rose kb8uih at sbcglobal.net
Sun Mar 2 10:41:39 EST 2008

Great comments.  I have a large battery but not a UPS
to utilize the stored DC to let computer run.  An
inverter is lying around somewhere, maybe that is the


--- Bill Vodall WA7NWP <wa7nwp at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 9:21 AM, Robert Bruninga
> <bruninga at usna.edu> wrote:
> > Continuing with my attempts to get APRS back on
> track as not
> > just a vehicle maping system,
> Hey Bob - here's a challenge..   Do you have a
> "home" APRS station on
> the air?   If so, does it have backup power and how
> long would it keep
> running if you lost power?
> I don't know but it's getting closer all the time. 
> Maybe this Email
> will be the incentive I need to put it on my list of
> things to do (as
> opposed to the list of things I want to do) and get
> it on the air
> tonight or this weekend.
> A 4 day power outtage back in 12/06 was the event
> that convinced me
> that APRS is the ultimate ham emergency and just
> basic digital overall
> communications platform.   There is, of course, far
> more we can do as
> amateur radio operators but APRS is a good solid
> basic platform.
> 73
> Bill - WA7NWP
> Maybe we should setup an Altnet or CQNET for home RF
> stations so we
> can chat "on the air" and compare notes.
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