[aprssig] Time to UPGRADE obsolete DIGIS!

Jan T. Pharo la2bba at jpharo.net
Sun Jun 8 14:08:42 EDT 2008

"Bob Bruninga " <bruninga at usna.edu>, Sun,  8 Jun 2008 12:54:01 -0400

>All "Traceable WIDEn-N" does is put WIDEn-N in the UITRACE parameter so it is traceable and eliminate all other obsolete paths.  So still it does what the word means, makes all APRS packets "traceable".

Well, obviously, when one has a parameter word TRACE and a parameter
word WIDE, it's only natural that the word WIDE is used when
TRACE-able paths should be used. Of course.
Just to think that the word TRACE should be used according to its word
meaning is ridiculous, isn't it?

now, seriously:
However, when the region 1 recommendation eventually comes, we'll
probably use it region-wide.

73 de Jan, LA2BBA
Hvaler, Norway

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