[aprssig] HF station frequency reporting. Was RE: [SMDAPRS] NATIONAL LIGHTHOUSE-LIGHTSHIP WEEK Event

Dave Baxter Dave at emv.co.uk
Thu Jul 31 10:59:41 EDT 2008

Anything that can be controled via the OmniRig system
<http://www.dxatlas.com/omnirig/> can be "monitored" for not only the
working frequency, but mode settings etc too...   I (and others) already
do that, but for external ATU control.

I believe HRD has some way of making that info available too, but other
than intercepting the serial data to/from the rig, I don't know what it
is...   Yet...

That (serial sniffing) could be easily done with the Eterlogic Free VSPE
too, even remotely via a TCP/IP network!.
<http://www.eterlogic.com/Products.VSPE.html>   Very useful for all
sorts of things by the way!

I'm also sure, once you have that info, you can somehow make it part of
a status string, that the likes of UiView or Xastir can send.


	Dave G0WBX

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bill Vodall WA7NWP
> > Another idea is to inspire some pic programmer to make a 
> dongle for HF 
> > rigs that would use their serial interface to query their operating 
> > frequency, and then automatically turn around and transmit 
> that out in 
> > an APRS beacon using the HF station symbol.
> > This way we can see where (in both the spatial and RF domains) they 
> > are operating in real time.
> Shouldn't be too hard to make a software widget to talk to 
> some of the basic rig control applications (like Ham Radio 
> Deluxe) to get the current freq and post it.
> Bill WA7NWP
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