[aprssig] TSA regs on GPS?

Steve Noskowicz noskosteve at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 6 21:54:44 EST 2008

  Admitedly anecdotal, but I've taken one on ~3-4 flights over the last 6 years
w/ no problems.  Also HT & misc. wall warts, adapters and cables, some
home-brew.  But no home-brew battery chargers. (:-)  

   Then there was that young gal about a year ago with the white, solder-less
breadboard with flashing LEDs in plain view who got national attention.  Part
of security is what I'll call "the specticle".  Need I say more.  ...
   So, your mileage may vary.

   I personally think the supervisor for the screeners & security should be an

--- "Alan P. Biddle" <APBIDDLE at UNITED.NET> wrote:
> Hi,
> [snip] I
> checked the TSA and AA web site, but could not find anything [snip]
> concerning transporting a GPS and bean bag mount in carry on bags.
> Any experience, or definitive reference?
> Alan

73, Steve, K9DCI

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