[aprssig] APRS Authors - New Symbols

Ron Tonneson ron.tonneson at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 09:27:41 EST 2008

SATERN is the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network, <http://www.qso.com/satern411/homenf.htm>.

Ron - K0QVF

Jan T. Pharo wrote:
> w2kb at comcast.net, Thu, 14 Feb 2008 18:43:00 +0000:
>> Perhaps the Salvation Army logo, with only "SA" so it can be easily read? 
> I don't know what SATERN is, but it seems to be a voluntary emergency
> aid service.
> I'd think that APRS should show ONE symbol for such services. I could
> understand if the Red Cross internationally wouldn't like their symbol
> to be regarded as THE common icon; emergency helicopters and
> ambulances tend to use the bluish three-part-"cross" (6 ends rather
> than 4), so our lot should maybe replace the red cross with that one,
> and allow overlay letters. No trouble with crescents, david stars,
> whatever.
> (but the Geneva convention still requests medic personnel in armed
> forces, and medical tents and buildings during a war, to use the
> Geneva Cross, which looks just like a Red Cross cross.)

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