[aprssig] Nuvi messaging

Scott Miller scott at opentrac.org
Fri Feb 1 23:41:59 EST 2008

I got the message origination working.  At least for replies.  In the 
current state, anything you enter in the new message screen gets sent to 
the last person to send you a message.

Next, I've got to figure out how to handle addressing.  It'll probably 
wind up being something like using colons to bracket the address - it 
needs to be something the tracker can identify in the first character, 
and it also needs to mark the last character.

I'm trying to stick with some character that's easy to get to. 
Switching between letter mode and number mode is faster than getting to 
the symbols, and the number mode includes '-', so maybe the easiest way 
will be to use -callsign-ssid followed by a space.  For example:

-n1vg-2 Hello.

Not pretty, maybe, but fast to enter.  Of course, the destination will 
get automatically capitalized and everything.  Maybe the other units 
have a different keyboard layout, but I can't imagine them being any 
MORE difficult to enter the - and space characters.

I could also go with 'To' for the header, but there's too much potential 
to get confused with the contents of a reply message.  And I really want 
to make reply-to-last the default behavior - it'll speed up QSOs and 
reduce errors.

Still plenty of stuff to do.  I'm going to work on getting some use out 
of the Nuvi's message queueing, and having the pending/sent status 
reflect whether it's actually been ack'd by the receiving station yet.

Maybe tomorrow I'll get my IGate back on the air and try it out for some 
live QSOs.


Steve Noskowicz wrote:
> --- Scott Miller <scott at opentrac.org> wrote:
>> ...developer's kit, but to clarify... the Garmin 
>> receivers...support FMI, ...that allows a connected device to do 
>> things like send and receive text messages, enter lists of stops, and 
>> get an ETA for the next stop.
>     That's precisely what I got from other links @Garmin.
>> Tying it in with APRS is what the Tracker2 does.  The T2 already had 
>> support for the Garmin protocol, ...
>    Ahh!  That's what "T2" is.   AND now it all ties in.
>> And since it already did  messaging, 
>    I assume "it" = the T2...
>>...  Getting the Nuvi into FMI mode requires a specific serial command.  
>>...and it stays that way until disabled by another serial command.
>     Had to be.
> Thanks Scott

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