[aprssig] GPS off track

Ben Lindner vk5jfk at activ8.net.au
Wed Apr 2 05:17:31 EDT 2008

Our maps here in Australia use the WGS84 datum

Ben Lindner

Stephen H. Smith wrote: 
> What datum are the GPS units set for?   If they are not set to WGS84 
> (WORLD Geodetic System 1984) mode, you will see hundreds of feet error.
> This is a constant issue in the U.K. where many paper and electronic 
> maps use the British Ordinance Survey datum rather than the WGS84 
> datum that is native and default on most GPS devices.    Google Maps 
> (used by both findu and aprs.fi) are aligned with the world-wide 
> GPS-inspired WGS84 datum.    Many British APRS users set their GPS 
> units to use the UK ordinance datum to make posits line up on their 
> own maps;  only to see major errors when they view themselves on Findu 
> or aprs.fi.
> I would guess that Australia and New Zealand may also suffer from this 
> problem of a "local" datum in use rather than the world-wide WGS84.  
> (The Brits established numerous local datums during the centuries of 
> the British Empire in places all over the world.)

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