[aprssig] OT OT

K7FTP k7ftp at commtechreview.net
Thu Sep 20 12:29:31 EDT 2007

Here is my $0.02.  

I am a part of a few mailing lists, and I have
several e-mail addresses I am responsible
to check.  I get no fewer than 100 spam
messages in a day, more often it runs over
300, plus even more legitimate ones.  
 I download a lot of messages, so I 
think I have some room to speak here.  

Sometimes things do go off-topic.  Does
everything always have to be rigidly on-
topic?  If so, don't join e-mail lists, and
don't participate in real life.  Real life is
rarely rigidly on-topic.    

Most computers have a DELETE key.  It's
a fantasic little invention.  In most e-mail 
applications, if you hit it while looking at 
a message, it will delete it.  Then you can go
to the next one.  Seeing OT in the subject
line makes it even easier. 

I don't mind some of the OT items we see
on this list.  I heave learned a lot from some
of them.  

Just my $0.02.  

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