[aprssig] Re: Homemade APRS with MCS-51 and TCM3105NL

jecksons at softhome.net jecksons at softhome.net
Mon Sep 10 21:36:46 EDT 2007

>If I recall, the MX614's TX retiming is optional.  You can disable the 
>retiming and transmit whatever baud rate you want.
No no from Datasheet said the Detector from MX614 diffent than detector from 
TCM.Also /RDY timing didn't appears in TCM.
MX614 tolerants againts the baudrate drift,the TCM must precise the baudrate
i.e 1200 bps or 2400bps depends on crystal with TCM. 

>Are you saying you want to run a baud rate that's not 1200 or 2400, or 
>that the MX614 isn't accurate enough for you?
I'm saying,Didn't had MX614P and imposibble to bought the MX614P.
Did you had info how's to get sample the MX614P?
Here the MX614P was 30US$/piece and TCM only 15US$/piece.
I had 6 chips TCM3105NL. 

Sorry for my spartan English
Vy 73&88

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