[aprssig] D710 PTT mode (or D700?)

Alex Carver kf4lvz at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 16 16:41:07 EDT 2007

> Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 20:21:18 -0400
> From: "Robert Bruninga" <bruninga at usna.edu>
> Subject: RE: [aprssig] D710 PTT mode (or D700?)
> To: "'TAPR APRS Mailing List'"
> <aprssig at lists.tapr.org>
> Message-ID:
> <008a01c80f8a$78fc6710$42577a83 at ewlab.usna.edu>
> Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"
> > I don't care to have my [D710] packet show 
> > what frequency the radio is using because 
> > I'm "using" lots of them. ... Sorry Bob, 
> > but if this is the way the D710 operates
> > and can't be changed then that's pretty lousy 
> > as a "feature".
> If you are jumping around in frequency, then that is
> usually
> exactly what the frequency-in-packet is designed
> for.  How else
> would anyone be able to find you?  I would assume
> that the
> frequency is not updated in the packet, until the
> radio stops
> scanning and stops on one frequency.  Then is when
> the packet
> would update with the frequency.  I'm not sure what
> the hang
> time is before it will capture the new frequency.

But I'm not jumping in frequency, I'm letting the
radio do its memory scan through a set of repeaters
that I do listen to, all of which are within reach.  I
get found when someone calls me on a repeater not when
someone looks at my packet.  But to have the radio
suddenly decide that I can't scan memories while using
APRS because it wants to send (or think it wants to) a
frequency all the time is NOT useful.  Besides, you've
harped on Voice Alert all this time, if people wanted
to get to me, they could use that.  I don't keep my
second band locked on a single frequency when I'm
driving, I'm listening to multiple repeaters.

>From what is being described, it would appear that the
radio halts the scan for the express purpose of
acquiring the frequency to put in that beacon.  The
proper method of operation would be to acquire and
beacon a frequency if and only if the radio is NOT
scanning and then ONLY if the beacon text is
programmed to acquire a frequency.  If not, then it
should honor my wishes and continue scanning on the
band while it beacons normal APRS packets.

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