[aprssig] Re: APRS SSn-N Spec.

Lukas Reinhardt, DO7VLR do7vlr at aprs-saar.de
Thu Nov 29 17:43:23 EST 2007

"Robert Bruninga" <bruninga at usna.edu <mailto:bruninga at usna.edu>> wrote:

 > But Maybe for the future, it might be useful to have uniqueness?
 > SO maybe it is worth seeing if you can resolve yours to be unique.
 > Who knows how we might use that for some kind of global addressing
 > or something in the future?

Hello all,

In the German APRS-Forum (http://www.amateurfunk.de/aprs/forum/) we are 
currently discussing this issue.
To achieve a unique structure for SSn-N, we could use the country codes 
defined in ISO 3166-1 and the subdivision codes defined in ISO 3166-2 

As an example: The ISO 3166-2 Code for Germany, federal state Saarland 
is DE-SL. Assuming that we do not want the hyphen, my suggestion is the 
following: DO7VLR>APRS,DESL2-2

The equivalent code for, lets say, Arizona is: US-AZ. That would result 

We could also use the subdevision codes without the country codes, then 
only two digits (SS-n-N instead of SSSSn-N) would be used.

The lists on ISO 3166-2 codes can be found at 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2 by clicking on the country codes 
listet at that page.

That is my suggestion how we could get to unique SSn-N or SSSSn-N digits.

vy 73 de Lukas, DO7VLR

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