[aprssig] WIDE4-4 comments

Cap Pennell cap at cruzio.com
Thu Nov 8 21:56:04 EST 2007

Fill-in digis all use it to indicate their "limit" now, "W1,fill-in".

Best WIDEn-N path recommendations for courtesy are often less than the max
"N" limit of our "S overlay" digis.

a) Always start with the PHGXXXX data (see my DIGIS.TXT file)
b) next, a list of capablities, such as "W3,SSn".  This means this
   digi supports WIDE3-3 and below and SSn-N paths only. (your state)
c) The overlay character between the LAT/LONG should now be an "S"

In Northern California our high level "S overlay" digis use "W2,NCAn"
with the KPC TNC's UIdigi ON WIDE3-3,WIDE3-2,...

You know, if you can get into the first digi at all, then two hops is
plenty!  <grin>
73, Cap

California and Nevada "networka.htm" :

> -----Original Message-----
> From: aprssig-bounces at lists.tapr.org
> [mailto:aprssig-bounces at lists.tapr.org]On Behalf Of Robert Bruninga
> Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 14:21 PM
> To: 'John Habbinga'; 'TAPR APRS Mailing List'
> Subject: RE: [aprssig] WIDE4-4 comments
> > My station in Lubbock can hear virtually every
> > digipeater in NM as you can see at
> > http://pages.suddenlink.net/kc5zrq/networka.htm
> Looks like things are quite under control.  Nice page.  I see
> only 2 people using WIDE5-5, and only one using WIDE4-4.  All
> the rest are 3-3 or below.  Im beginning to think that the "W4"
> recommendation in New Mexico might not be a "recommendation" but
> the original definition of a "limit".
> But in the long run, for consistency, I think we need to move
> toward that entry in all digipeaters beacon information to be a
> "Wn" -recommendation-.  That way it can be tailored to each
> digi.  Some very remote digis might need a higher receommended
> value of N then those in the suburbs.
> If any of my references or documents infer it is a "limit",
> remind me so I can change them to "receommendations".
> Thanks
> Bob, WB4APR
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