[aprssig] Limitations of D700a

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Wed May 9 16:38:50 EDT 2007

> I plan to purchase a Kenwood d700a (at Dayton)...

For what it is worth, 85% of all mobiles that
receive-and-display APRS in the mobile use the D7 or D700.  The
HAM-HUD is the only other non-PC that also has a decoding and
display system and it represents some of that other 15%.

To me while mobile, receiving and seeing what is around me on
APRS is actually more important than transimtting...  That's
what APRS is all about...  But of course, if you receive you
also transmit so that others can see you too.

They announced a possible new radio back at the Digital Comms
Conference in September...  It will be intreresting to see what
they might be showing at Dayton?


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