[aprssig] RE: AprsData & Repeater "Btext"

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Fri Jun 22 09:52:54 EDT 2007

> Was wondering is there was a way to use AprsData 
> to do the repeater objects that we are now using 
> in the BTEXT field on Digi's so that travelers 
> know there are more local repeaters than the one 
> or two that the local digi's are BTEXTing.

Good question...

But My thoughts here are that HAM radio is spread too thin
already.  We need to keep in touch better.  There are over 100
repeaters in the Wash DC area listed in the Repeater directory,
yet, scanning the bands EVEN IN RUSH hour, and you may only hear
a dozen or less.

We just aren't communicating as much as we used to.

The Local-Voice-Repeater-Initiative is trying to improve our
ability to find each other, by condensing our focus and
separating the wheat from the chaff.  Bring the operator to the
most popular travelers repeater in an area, where someone is
actually listening and will respond, and then he can ask what
other repeaters better match his interest.

Secondly, if anything other than the digipeaters originate this
data, then it adds QRM to the channel and reduces reliability.
But having the digi's originate this data, they can hear the
channel from high up, and only originate the data when the
channel is otherwise clear.  It adds nothing to the QRM, yet
gains a tremendous capability to HAM radio.

I really hope we can get all the digipeaters in the USA to get
on this bandwagon.  Lets move forward.  It costs nothing, but
gains so much.  Especially if we can get some one to make an
external PIC processor that will then receive these beacons and
then allow the mobile operator to QSY to that channel by
pressing one button.

Or select auto-QSY mode and as the traveler drives, he is
automatically tuned to the recommended Voice Channel for that

If ECHOlink nodes also transmitted their Frequency Data, then we
can make this like a Cell phone system.  If you select auto-qsy
to the ECHOlink or IRLP freuqency in an area, then you are
constantly available for a call no matter where you travel.

This was my grand plan back in 2002 when I first introduced the
AVRS, Automatic Voice Relay System.  To tie APRS and these VOIP
systems together.  http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/avrs.html

SO much we can do.


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