[aprssig] [OT] Rabbit Core RCM2200 Development Set - FS

Brian B. Riley brianbr at mac.com
Sat Jun 9 22:42:54 EDT 2007

I was doing a once over after the cleanup here and found a box of  
things. A few years ago we did a project and bogh several rabbit  
Developement Sets. This was one that never even got opened; the  
component bags are still sealed. If you are into Rabbit stuff this is  
a bargain. RCM2200 Core, RCM2200/2300 , accessory kit, power supply,  
manual, disk, etc. It sells today for $239.95, what I paid back a few  
years ago. I am asking $125 plus $10 S/H.

If  interested its on my Sale page with the last few items remaining


cheers ... 73 de brian  riley,  n1bq , underhill center, vermont
   <http://web.mac.com/brianbr/>  Tech Blog
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