[aprssig] New Local Info Initiative

Tim Cunningham tim_cunningham at mindspring.com
Mon Jan 22 23:15:10 EST 2007

> Though, I have not fully digested how one would do this in a non
> KPC-3+ TNC...  I'd like to see someone suggest how best to do it
> on a UIDIGI ROM?

Since proportional beaconing/pathing  cannot be accomplished on the UIDIGI 
with the BeaconOffset not working properly, you only have 3 BeaconText 
settings that can be utilized inclusively of themselves to be proportional. 
Right now we have Beacon1Text set to fire at Beacon1Interval of 10 minutes 
using a local path or no path. Then we have Beacon2Text set to fire at 
Beacon2Interval of 29 minutes using a one hop path so it does not get 
bunched with Beacon1Text.

Now it seems to me that I would want to use Beacon3Text for the local info 
initiative rather than spamming my neighbors 2 hops away at a 59 minute rate 
to avoid colliding with the 10 and 29 minute interval of the previous 2 
beacons. Actually, it only makes sense to end Beacon3Text and use it for 
something more practical and useful for the local area rather than spamming 
the neighbors every hour.

However, you are not going to get UIDIGI to fill the time slot so it will 
need to be hard coded with something like 000000 as shown below:

Beacon3Text = ;146.940- *000000zDDMM.hhN/DDDMM.hhWrPHG7660-600 PL100 Net 
Thur 730PM
Beacon3Path =     <== nothing required for local path unless you want LOCAL 
to appear in the path
Beacon3Interval = 600


Tim - N8DEU
Huntsville, Alabama

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