[aprssig] New Local Info Initiative

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Wed Jan 17 17:38:15 EST 2007

> > During  my 1800 mile round trip last weekend, I discovered
> > most digipeaters have not implemented the recommendations of
> > New-N Paradigm to include the local Voice repeater info in
> > beacon text of their local digipeaters.
> I guess I missed that part of the discussion while
reprogramming my  
> digis last year.

Yes, there was so much else involved in the New-N Paradigm, that
this was only a minor subset and the focus at the time was to
get the digi's set for New-N Paradigm first, and get all those
long haul paths cut back to reduce QRM from out of area.  But
using the LTP paths for the digipeater's own packets to
implement proportional pathing, freed up the Btext for this
voice repeater object system.

Though, I have not fully digested how one would do this in a non
KPC-3+ TNC...  I'd like to see someone suggest how best to do it

> I saw you traveling west bound on I-40, east of Nashville last
> I tried to catch you on Voice Alert, 2m Call and 70cm Call but
> not able to reach you.

Yes, I did get a few V-A calls, and tried to keep my voice
repeater channel programmed into my mobile's comment field, but
I may have missed it a few times.  But actually, in Tennesse,
with those mountains, it is amazing that I could go from
Virginia, through Eastern Tennessee and Middle Tennessee and
only have to dial in 4 voice repeaters in the 300 miles to carry
me through to Alabama.

And with the mountains of Virginia along I-81, only a few voice
repeaters can cover the over 400 miles in Virginig along that


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