[aprssig] Garmin Rino
Wes Johnston, AI4PX
wes at kd4rdb.com
Thu Jan 11 07:33:43 EST 2007
I found it! By the way, I'm not kd4rdb anymore. <grin> I don't think
this is the DAO version however.
# RINO GPS polling script by Wes Johnston KD4RDB. April 07 2006 #
# This script uses GPSMan to poll a garmin rino gps unit and detects changes #
# in the location or symbol used from one iteration to the next. If a waypoint#
# moves, it will be published to xastir via the xastir_udp_client program #
# Press <cntrl c> to stop execution #
#use strict;
#use warnings;
#use LWP::Simple;
my $gps_file_source="gps.txt";
my $gps_old_file_source="gpsold.txt";
# Nothing below this line needs to be edited.#
use POSIX qw(strftime);
# We call GPSman upon startup to establish a baseline of waypoints
# so that we don't generate bunches of aprs objects the first iteration
print "Initializing Waypoints...\n";
#Call gpsman to get waypoints with symbols and pipe the output to a
dummy file to keep screen clean.
my $cmd="gpsman getwrite WP GPSMan ".$gps_old_file_source." >gpsman.txt" ;
system $cmd;
while (1==1){
print qq|\nPolling RINO unit...\n|;
#Call gpsman to get waypoints with symbols and pipe the output to a
dummy file to keep screen clean.
$cmd="gpsman getwrite WP GPSMan ".$gps_file_source." >gpsman.txt" ;
system $cmd;
print qq|Reading RINO waypoints...\n|;
open (DB, "<$gps_file_source") or &cgierr("unable to open GPSMan
file: $gps_file_source.\nReason: $!");
LINE: while (<DB>) {
(/^#/) and next LINE; # Skip comment Lines.
(/^!/) and next LINE; # Skip comment Lines.
(/^%/) and next LINE; # Skip comment Lines.
(/^\s*$/) and next LINE; # Skip blank lines.
my $line = $_; chomp ($line); # Remove trailing new line.
# need to open the file used on the last time 'round and look for an
identical line.
# if such an identical line is found, then NEXT and skip processing...
nothing new.
my $dupedataflag=0;
open (OLD, "<$gps_old_file_source") or &cgierr("unable to open
GPSMan file: $gps_old_file_source.\nReason: $!");
OLDGPS: while (<OLD>) {
(/^#/) and next OLDGPS; # Skip comment Lines.
(/^!/) and next OLDGPS; # Skip comment Lines.
(/^%/) and next OLDGPS; # Skip comment Lines.
(/^\s*$/) and next OLDGPS; # Skip blank lines.
my $oldgps = $_; chomp ($oldgps); # Remove trailing new line.
if ($oldgps eq $line){
close OLD;
# split line into callsign, lat lon and symbol.
my ($callsign,$null1,$lat,$lon,$symbol,$null2)= split (/\t/, $line);
# If callsign starts with APRS, truncate the APRS portion.
if (substr($callsign,0,4) eq "APRS"){
# check to see if we did NOT find a duplicate line of text in the gpsman file.
if ($dupedataflag eq "0"){
# Here we check that the particular waypoint has the correct form of a
rino contact symbol.
if (substr($symbol,0,7) eq "symbol="){
# First we set the default symbol.... just in case
$aprssymbol="[" if ($symbol eq "symbol=cntct_smiley");
$aprssymbol="b" if ($symbol eq "symbol=cntct_ball_cap");
$aprssymbol="j" if ($symbol eq "symbol=cntct_big_ears");
$aprssymbol="f" if ($symbol eq "symbol=cntct_spike");
$aprssymbol="s" if ($symbol eq "symbol=cntct_goatee");
$aprssymbol="U" if ($symbol eq "symbol=cntct_afro");
$aprssymbol="Y" if ($symbol eq "symbol=cntct_dreads");
$aprssymbol="R" if ($symbol eq "symbol=cntct_female1");
$aprssymbol="v" if ($symbol eq "symbol=cntct_female2");
$aprssymbol=">" if ($symbol eq "symbol=cntct_female3");
$aprssymbol="," if ($symbol eq "symbol=cntct_ranger");
$aprssymbol="u" if ($symbol eq "symbol=cntct_kung_fu");
$aprssymbol="X" if ($symbol eq "symbol=cntct_sumo");
$aprssymbol="<" if ($symbol eq "symbol=cntct_pirate");
$aprssymbol="k" if ($symbol eq "symbol=cntct_biker");
$aprssymbol="O" if ($symbol eq "symbol=cntct_alien");
$aprssymbol="'" if ($symbol eq "symbol=cntct_bug");
$aprssymbol="a" if ($symbol eq "symbol=cntct_cat");
$aprssymbol="e" if ($symbol eq "symbol=cntct_dog");
$aprssymbol="P" if ($symbol eq "symbol=cntct_pig");
# If callsign length greater than 9, we have to truncate it to be
within aprs spec for item reports.
if (length($callsign) > 9){
# split degrees mins and secs into individual variables.
my ($deg,$min,$sec)= split (/ /, $lat);
# make certain the length of degrees is 2 by way of adding leading 0's.
if (length($deg)!=2){
if (length($deg)!=2){
if ($sec eq ""){
if (length($sec) ne "3") {
# make certain the length of minutes is 2 by way of adding leading 0's.
if (substr($min,2,1) ne "."){
# split degrees mins and secs into individual variables.
my ($deg,$min,$sec)= split (/ /, $lon);
# make certain the length of degrees is 3 by way of adding leading 0's.
if (length($deg)!=3){
if (length($deg)!=3){
if ($sec eq ""){
if (length($sec) ne "3") {
# make certain the length of minutes is 2 by way of adding leading 0's.
if (substr($min,2,1) ne "."){
# here is the format we're looking to create:
"KD4RDB>WIDE1-1,WIDE2-2:)" + Name$ + "!" + Lat$ + "/" + Lon$ + Symbol$
$packet=$mysourcecall.">".$mysourcepath .":)". $callsign . "!"
. $aprslat . "/" . $aprslon . $aprssymbol;
# shell out and make call to xastir udp client.
# This is a sample of the line to be sent: xastir_udp_client localhost
2023 ab7cd 1234 "APRS packet goes here"
$cmd="xastir_udp_client localhost 2023 ".$mysourcecall."
".$mypasscode." -to_rf -to_inet \"".$packet."\" >udp.txt";
system $cmd;
if (substr($symbol,0,7) eq "symbol=") {
if ($dupedataflag eq "0" ){
print qq|MOVED:|;
print qq| |;
$callsign=$callsign." ";
print qq|$callsign $lat $lon $symbol\n|;
close DB;
# copy current gps.txt file over the old one.. so we can use it for
dupe checks the next time thru.
$cmd="cp gps.txt gpsold.txt";
system $cmd;
sleep 10
sub cgierr {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Displays any errors and prints out ENVIRONMENT
# information. Useful for debugging.
print "We encountered an internal error. ";
print "\n\nCGI ERROR\n==========================================\n";
$_[0] and print "Error Message : $_[0]\n";
$0 and print "Script Location : $0\n";
$] and print "Perl Version : $]\n";
print "\n";
exit -1;
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