[aprssig] Consulting

Steve Dimse steve at dimse.com
Sat Feb 17 10:33:26 EST 2007

On Feb 17, 2007, at 10:03 AM, John Habbinga wrote:

> Steve, I don't know where you'd find a "Pro" to consult about APRS.

Actually they are a number of APRS users that do have real AVL  
consulting businesses, turns out one lived about 50 miles from this  

> Are they wanting to use APRS so that they can increase their  
> interoperability with ham radio operators, or are they wanting to  
> use the AVL features of APRS to track their own assets for  
> improved  law enforcement activities?

The latter.
> If that is the case, then most APRS client software and software  
> like javAPRSSrvr, is either not available for commercial use or  
> requires a licensing fee.

At least one hub and two clients are unencumbered by commercial  
restrictions, but regardless, commercial users are generally willing  
to pay reasonable fees. This is really not a hurdle.

Steve K4HG

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