[aprssig] D700-external PIC processing

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Mon Feb 12 19:59:30 EST 2007

I wonder if the D700 serial port handshaking RTS or DTR pin
would tell you?  It wouild be lucky if it did...  But I doubt

> t.... anytime you send a command via the serial 
> port, it will "snatch" the display from you.
> ... and I could not find a way to let the external processor 
> know that you were using the display to hold off sending
> Wes
> On 2/12/07, william.diaz at comcast.net 
> <william.diaz at comcast.net > wrote: 
> 	Wes,
> 	 See below:
> 	 -------------- Original message ----------------------
> 	From: "Wes Johnston, AI4PX" < wes at kd4rdb.com 
> <mailto:wes at kd4rdb.com> >
> 	> You know we don't have to query the d700 all the 
> time.... AI 1 <cr> will
> 	> cause it to spit loads of serial data out as it's
> 	 The data on the DB9 serial port also seems to include 
> data similar to what could be used to control the D7/D700 
> display.  Wouldn't be surprised to learn it is the same data 
> sent to the display.  It apparently includes data to indicate 
> when the A or B side squelch opens or closes (CT 0,1 etc)  
> and may include info to control how many bars of the signal 
> strength should be displayed when the squelch is open.  When 
> you transmit, it sends what I think is the receive frequency, 
> offset and other unknown parameters.  Need to investigate 
> these display commands or operation reports in more detail. 
> 	If you wanted to use the LIST n position data from the 
> DB9 serial port to create Waypoints with APRS icons using the 
> Garmin Protocol, you would have to find a way to route this 
> from the DB9 serial port to the D7/D700 GPS serial port.   It 
> may be possible to do this by wiring the output of the PIC or 
> ARM etc device to the GPS serial input.  The GPS would still 
> send Position data to the D7/D700 GPS port, but would receive 
> Waypoint data from the "PIC" port. 
> 	An external application on a desktop or laptop could 
> also create the waypoints/icons using Garmin protocol and use 
> an external device to route the data to the Garmin GPS in a 
> somewhat similar manner.  May need to ensure that only 
> waypoint data is routed to the GPS input. 
> 	Bill KC9XG
> 	> Wes
> 	>
> 	>
> 	> On 2/12/07, Curt, WE7U < archer at eskimo.com 
> <mailto:archer at eskimo.com> > wrote:
> 	> >
> 	> > On Sun, 11 Feb 2007, Dennis Hudson wrote:
> 	> >
> 	> > > Would be cool to have this parser in programs 
> like xastir as well.
> 	> > > You could simply open your laptop and use it for 
> a display device 
> 	> > > when and if wanted. Open and close the program as 
> will without
> 	> > > interfering with the features you are used to on 
> the D700's head.
> 	> > > When you want a full blown xastir station just 
> switch to your TNC 
> 	> > > profile on the D700.
> 	> >
> 	> > When the complete protocol is figured out and 
> documented, let me
> 	> > know.  I'll see about adding it.  Another 
> possibility would be to
> 	> > write a shim program that listened to the D700 on a 
> serial port and 
> 	> > produced APRS packets on a PTY port that Xastir 
> could connect to.
> 	> > Then Xastir itself wouldn't have to change at all 
> to receive and
> 	> > decode the data.
> 	> >
> 	> > --
> 	> > Curt, WE7U.   APRS Client Comparisons: 
> http://www.eskimo.com/~archer
> 	> > "Lotto:    A tax on people who are bad at math." --
> 	> > "Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates."
-- WE7U
> 	> > "The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the 
> coordinate system!"
> 	> >
> 	> > _______________________________________________ 
> 	> > aprssig mailing list
> 	> > aprssig at lists.tapr.org
> 	> > 
> https://lists.tapr.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/aprssig 
> <https://lists.tapr.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/aprssig> 
> 	> >
> 	> >
> 	>
> 	>
> 	> --
> 	> In theory there is no difference between practice and
> 	---------- Forwarded message ---------- 
> 	From: "Wes Johnston, AI4PX" <wes at kd4rdb.com>
> 	To: "Curt Mills, WE7U" <archer at eskimo.com>, "TAPR APRS 
> Mailing List" < aprssig at lists.tapr.org>
> 	Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 16:25:02 +0000
> 	Subject: Re: [aprssig] D700-external PIC processing
> 	You know we don't have to query the d700 all the 
> time.... AI 1 <cr> will cause it to spit loads of serial data 
> out as it's happening.
> 	Wes
> 	On 2/12/07, Curt, WE7U <archer at eskimo.com> wrote: 
> 		On Sun, 11 Feb 2007, Dennis Hudson wrote:
> 		> Would be cool to have this parser in programs 
> like xastir as well. 
> 		> You could simply open your laptop and use it 
> for a display device
> 		> when and if wanted. Open and close the 
> program as will without
> 		> interfering with the features you are used to 
> on the D700's head. 
> 		> When you want a full blown xastir station 
> just switch to your TNC
> 		> profile on the D700.
> 		When the complete protocol is figured out and 
> documented, let me
> 		know.  I'll see about adding it.  Another 
> possibility would be to 
> 		write a shim program that listened to the D700 
> on a serial port and
> 		produced APRS packets on a PTY port that Xastir 
> could connect to.
> 		Then Xastir itself wouldn't have to change at 
> all to receive and
> 		decode the data. 
> 		--
> 		Curt, WE7U.   APRS Client Comparisons: 
> http://www.eskimo.com/~archer
> 		"Lotto:    A tax on people who are bad at 
> math." -- unknown 
> 		"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer 
> illiterates." -- WE7U 
> 		"The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked 
> the coordinate system!"
> 		_______________________________________________
> 		aprssig mailing list 
> 		aprssig at lists.tapr.org 
> https://lists.tapr.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/aprssig 
> <https://lists.tapr.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/aprssig> 
> 	-- 
> 	In theory there is no difference between practice and
> 	_______________________________________________ 
> 	aprssig mailing list
> 	aprssig at lists.tapr.org
> 	https://lists.tapr.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/aprssig 
> <https://lists.tapr.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/aprssig> 
> 	_______________________________________________
> 	aprssig mailing list
> 	aprssig at lists.tapr.org <mailto:aprssig at lists.tapr.org> 
> 	https://lists.tapr.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/aprssig 
> -- 
> In theory there is no difference between practice and theory. 

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