[aprssig] Re: Aerial or Satellite Photos/Map for APRS Use

mconner at aer.com mconner at aer.com
Mon Dec 17 14:12:07 EST 2007

Many states have high-resolution photos for agricultural and survey purposes, but you may need ArcMap or similar software to rigorously rectify them to a lat/lon grid.  You can try Googling for "Farm Service Agency" or FSA and something like "orthophoto".  Nebraska has some 1-meter imagery available for this.  

You can also try the USDA's website at http://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/ and see if they produce something in a useful format for you.  It appears any of their recent ag survey imagery is only available in a MrSID format, which will require a GIS client like ArcMap for use.

73 de Mark N9XTN

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