[aprssig] TH-D7 not making it to any IGATES

Jan T. Pharo la2bba at jpharo.net
Sun Dec 9 03:03:59 EST 2007

"Richard N. Piper IV" <richard.piper at media4god.org>, Sun, 9 Dec 2007
00:06:00 -0600:

>I am not sure what is going on. I am using the TH-D7 out of the box. 
>I am thinking that I have have had folk tell me that the antinia that 
>comes with the TH-D7 is not the best to be used. Should I get a better 
>one and if so should I look at something with more gain? (I would want Dual Band). 

There are better antennas than the rubber antenna coming with the
TH-D7. This has been much discussed in the yahoo! group for TH-D7
(look at <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TH-D7>). I use a Diamond
antenna some 40 cm long, for 145 and 433 MHz.

Also, you should consider using an external antenna while you are in a

73 de Jan, LA2BBA
Hvaler, Norway

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