[aprssig] ANDE - ISS dual hop?

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Tue Dec 4 20:48:31 EST 2007

ANDE is catching up to ISS.  Now at about 0100z on the 5th,
ANDE's footprint is just touching ISS's.  And ISS is on packet
on 145.825 just like ANDE.  

Over the next several hours, ANDE will get closer to ISS and
then  move out in front.

I suspect that ISS has no chance at hearing the weak ande, and
ANDE might not hear ISS, but the best chance will be monitoring
ANDE's downlink for any double hop packets via ISS.

Since both spacecraft respond VIA ARISS, then a double hop
packet might try the path UNPROTO APRS VIA ARISS,ARISS.  A
slightly more efficient path (shorter packet) might be APRS VIA

See the ANDE-OPS web page:

Good luck!

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