[aprssig] GPS Recommendations Needed

Drew Baxter droobie at maine.rr.com
Fri Aug 10 14:20:30 EDT 2007

I figure you'd still use a Deluo on the Kenwood itself?  Just making 
sure there's a GPS in the mix and how it'd connect here.

I do like the idea.  I forget what the N800 costs though but your 
bill of materials looks expensive.. :)

When the Palm Foleo flops it might end up being a worthy situation 
for this, though it has a huge screen compared to a N800.

--Droo, K1XVM

At 02:13 PM 8/10/2007, Bill Vodall WA7NWP wrote:
>Nokia N800..   - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nokia_N800
>Pania Bluetooth widget on the Kenwood..
>Carman -    http://openbossa.indt.org/carman/
>Mapper - 
>The N800 going to give me mapping, Car status, complete access to the
>D700 and who knows what kind of incredible APRS magic..   It'll
>probably velcro mount anywhere...
>Bill - WA7NWP

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