OT: RE: [aprssig] D-710 at FCC test site

Drew Baxter droobie at maine.rr.com
Tue Aug 7 13:04:42 EDT 2007

I have yet to find one.. I did write about this a few years 
ago.  Perhaps this'll help you?

>I've seen a LOT of traffic and took the time to read all of  your 
>posts over the last 4 or 5 days (I've been subscribed since Oct 2002 
>though). I believe in Kenwood as a company, and I believe in the D7* 
>hardware as my ideal mobile interface for APRS.  I've been up since 
>yesterday purely because I wanted to set things to rest and popped 
>the lid on my radio.  Thank you all for my sleepless nights. :-)
>First and foremost, I bought my radio shortly after I became a 
>licensed operator in MAY 2002.   I bought it from Gigaparts and its 
>SN is 31100088.  It is a TM-D700A unit.
>Next, the Flash chip inside the D700A is NEC Part number: 
>D78F4218AGC .. It is a 78K4 style microcontroller, the F is (FLASH), 
>the type is 784218A, and it is a GC package, which is a 100 pin 
>LQFP.   It has 256K of flash memory.  The NON-Flash version is the 
>non-F model, and it has 192K of MASKED ROM which can be updated only 
>using ROM extensions (basically writing updates into unused portions 
>of the 192K).  Since mine is the Flash version, no problem.
>More info at: 
>Ok, so we have a flash chip in the D700.. BUT - How do we program it?
>No problem!  It just so happens to serial in-circuit flash the 
>78F4218A using the 3 wire Serial I/O Flash, you need SCK2, SI2, SO2, 
>Vpp, RESET, Vdd, Vpp, X1, and Vss.
>There's a nice 10 pin connector near the flash for this purpose on 
>the D700 board.
>D700    NEC      SIGNAL
>1       44       P24/BUZ
>2       81       Vdd
>3       94       TEST/Vpp (NOTE 2 - Vpp pin is for 78F4218A and AY)
>4       15       RESET
>5       39       P72/ASCK2/SCK2
>6       37       P70/RxD2/SI2
>7       38       P71/TxD2/SO2
>8       33       AVss
>9       --       NO SIGNAL
>10      --       NO SIGNAL
>Note that every pin needed to flash the unit is on the 10 pin 
>connector near the flash.  It is clear to me that Kenwood knew what 
>they were doing.
>Furthermore, the Tasco radio is cabled using a flat cable and has a 
>Kenwood part number.  This means if they really wanted to they could 
>offer a new TNC as a part, just in case unavoidable issues 
>happened.  The TNC also has a Samsung flash part of its own.

Drew Baxter (Dr. Droo), Project Coordinator / Network Developer
@Network Data Group - Inspiration in High Speed
Phone: 207-942-0275 / Cellular: 207-356-9143 / Toll-Free: 866-715-3311
E-Mail: droobie at maine.rr.com / Cellular: mobiledroo at 1-X.net

At 11:04 AM 8/7/2007, Scott Miller wrote:
>Is there a published spec?  Some of the Freescale device programmers 
>are rather expensive, but you can build your own for a few bucks 
>with information that's in the data sheet.
>Not that I'd want to tackle reverse-engineering the D710...

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