[aprssig] Re: Functional path to hit both WIDE and WIDEn-n digis?

Alex Carver kf4lvz at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 26 13:33:15 EDT 2007

> Message: 9
> Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 11:25:16 -0700
> From: "Keith VE7GDH" <ve7gdh at rac.ca>
> Subject: Re: [aprssig] Functional path to hit both
> WIDE and WIDEn-n
> 	digis?
> Alex KF4LVZ wrote...
> > A significant number of the digis in my area are
> using
> > WIDE or RELAY and not WIDEn-n. I don't think any
> > amount of email is going to convince them to
> change so
> > I'd like to find out if anyone has a path
> suggestion
> > for my D7/700 that will hit both types.
> > Right now I have just WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1...
> That's a tough question. You could be part of the
> solution and not part of
> the problem and just not use RELAY or WIDE, but if
> you are trying to make it
> to an IGate the only real solution is probably to go
> back to using the
> obsolete settings. It depends also on how many digis
> there are in your area
> that respond to RELAY and/or WIDE, but if the
> frequency isn't very busy, the
> impact wouldn't be as much as if it was very busy.
> There isn't any dupe
> checking on RELAY or WIDE, so could be lots of
> ping-ponging going on. You
> could try use specific callsigns in your path, but
> then  you would have to
> change it any time you moved out of your area.
> Can the D7/D700 alternate digi paths like the TT3 or
> would you have to press
> buttons each time to change the path?
> I hear what you are saying about some digi operators
> being slow or reluctant
> to upgrade their settings. In some instances where
> they can't re-program
> them remotely, waiting for snow to melt in spring
> could be a factor. An
> option would be to put your own "new paradigm"
> digi(s) in but the preferable
> solution would be to get the obsolete digis to
> update their settings. All
> you can do is ask and suggest. If the operators
> either just don't care about
> the impact on the rest of the APRS network or are
> too lazy to change their
> settings, there isn't much you can do except hope
> for a (lucky) lightning
> strike to take them out, and for someone to replace
> them with digis using
> up-to-date settings. I would like to think that if
> the reason why the 
> changes are so important was explained to them, more
> of the "hold-outs" 
> would get on the band-wagon and do their part to
> improve things.

Well, we don't really have snow to worry about in
Atlanta so that shouldn't be an issue for them. :)

The question has been asked of them before and none of
them have really changed.  There are a lot of digis
using RELAY and WIDE and not many using anything else.
 I certainly can't afford to add my own digis
everywhere and neither can the club station here hence
the reason for asking about a one-fits-all path. 
There is quite a bit of traffic already (as observed
by the club digi) but when I'm out mobile, I very
rarely get digipeated using W1,W2.

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