[aprssig] RE: "Local Info" confusion...

Keith VE7GDH ve7gdh at rac.ca
Wed Apr 25 01:50:48 EDT 2007

Tim N8DEU wrote...

> UI-View will display the digipeater on the map with a star and an S
> overlay at all times. The sequence of events is the UIDIGI will beacon
> its position using the digi star with an S overlay using the following
> beacon text format:
> Beacon1Text = !3438.07NS08630.74W#PHG5630/W2,ALn Huntsville Alabama
> Shortly thereafter, the third party beacon as defined earlier will be
> transmitted. As soon as UI-View receives that packet, the digipeater is
> highlighted with the square box around it...

Thanks for the explanation. I've never noticed this. Perhaps there aren't
any UIDIGIs around me, or if there are, perhaps they aren't sending out any
3rd party beacons. Any idea what there is about the beacon from a UIDIGI
that would make UI-View think the digi sending the object was an IGate? I
couldn't see any significant difference between the examples you gave and
the beacon going out from the KPC-3+ TNC that I was looking at.

73 es cul - Keith VE7GDH
"I may be lost, but I know exactly where I am!"

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