[aprssig] RE: New EU Paradigm

Jan T. Pharo la2bba at jpharo.net
Thu Sep 21 01:48:51 EDT 2006

"Andrzej AB9FX" <ab9fx at aprs.pl>, Wed, 20 Sep 2006 12:08:20 -0500:

>According to http://web.usna.navy.mil/~bruninga/aprs/new-eu-paradigm.txt 
>only difference in Europe is old RELAY not the new WIDE1-1 like in the US.
>WIDEn-n and SSn-n work the same way in the new EU Paradigm like in the US.
>So, what is the problem when crossing borders? You can use in your mobile 
>RELAY,WIDE2-2 and go through whole continent.

Sorry, no, you can't.
Your RELAY packet might not be processed by any digi in some areas,
because the sysops in that part of (somewhere) have set WIDEn-N and
SSn-N only, no ALIAS of RELAY.
Some sysops have decided that we don't care that the neighbourhood (on
the same or the other side of an international border) are supporting
RELAY (maybe also WIDE1-1) as fill-ins, and that visitors coming by
car, crossing international borders without any delaying stops (unlike
at the US/CAN border), don't change their settings while driving.

I don't know how things are in SP, but I know that TF and some western
parts of LA are using the new north american system, the rest of LA
and probably SM and OH, and probably most of continental Europe, are
accepting both TRACEn-N and WIDEn-N, and RELAY, but OZ sysops are
insisting that any WIDE packet isn't retransmitted (i.e.

This is in my humble opinion a matter for IARU region 1.

73 de Jan, LA2BBA
Hvaler, Norway

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