[aprssig] Mt. Washington NH coverage?

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Wed May 31 19:38:24 EDT 2006

>>> kc2mmi at verizon.net 05/31/06 1:16 PM >>>
<<THis is my pet -pieve, that ALL maps must display a range scale>>
>Bob, you need to start buying your maps from highly paid professional
>cartographes, who ALWAYS put scales on their maps, instead of from the local
>7-11 and the computer mapping companies.<G>

Ah, I don't buy maps.  I look at FINDU and its maps have no range scale.
THis has been a problem that  I have asked to be fixed for almost 
9 years now.  But apparently no one else seems to care...
because Steve says no one but me asks for it so it just is not
that important or other users would demand it too...

Its only a few lines of code to add a map scale AND a time
stamp to the display.  (the two most useful items missing
from FINDU displays).


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