[aprssig] PERL code to send objects to server

Jason Winningham jdw at eng.uah.edu
Fri May 26 21:55:25 EDT 2006

On May 26, 2006, at 3:30 PM, Andrew Rich wrote:

> Anyone got some perl code to connect to an aprs server and send  
> objects ?


use IO::Socket::INET;

$socket = IO::Socket::INET->new("localhost:2023")
     or die "could not connect to server!";

$create_del = "*";

print STDOUT "user $mycall pass $password vers fubar 0.0.0a\n";
print $socket "user $mycall pass $password vers fubar 0.0.0a\n";

for ($i=0; $i<=360; $i += 15)
     $t = time();
     $s = $t % 60;
     $t /= 60;
     $m = $t % 60;
     $t /= 60;
     $h = $t % 24;

     $format = "%s>%s:;%-9.9s%1.1s%02.2d%02.2d%02.2dz3435.00N/ 
08711.00W\\000/000/%03d/969 \n";

     printf STDOUT $format, $mycall, $dest, $object_name,  
$create_del, $h, $m, $s, $i;
     printf $socket $format, $mycall, $dest, $object_name,  
$create_del, $h, $m, $s, $i;
     sleep 10;

sleep 20;

$create_del = "_";

printf STDOUT $format, $mycall, $dest, $object_name, $create_del, $h,  
$m, $s, $i;
printf $socket $format, $mycall, $dest, $object_name, $create_del,  
$h, $m, $s, $i;



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