[aprssig] New -N Paradigm Works!

Noel Shrum ar798 at tcnet.org
Sat May 20 00:08:21 EDT 2006

My digi is an S overlay digi, and some of the locals don't seem to like 
it/get it.  They don't like how my digi cuts off the packets after 3 hops.
They just seem to want to get out as far as they can.

I was just watching the TNC port my my aprs server and saw this:

K8SN-2>QST,W8LRC,WIDE3*::BLNA :For Information on KCEST, see 
http://www.kcest.org or email k8sn at k8sn.org
K8SN-2>APRS,KC8YXF*,WIDE4-1:!4258.07NN08540.29W#PHG6460 Downtown GRR 
Digi R,W,T,MI,WX - k8sn at k8sn.org
K8SN-2>APRS,KC8YXF,W8TVI-10*,WIDE4:!4258.07NN08540.29W#PHG6460 Downtown 
GRR Digi R,W,T,MI,WX - k8sn at k8sn.org

And I think we have a digi around here thats setup wrong:

APRS Node Cooks, MI (WIDEn-N Only)

*191224z4532.71N/08450.99WmWA8EFE-Repeater -pl 103.5 Pellston,Mi


> Three hops in all directions (usually too much for courtesy to other hams,
> at least West of the Rockies and in most populated areas farther East in
> North America too):
> WIDE1-1,WIDE2-2
> WIDE3-3  (if the digis will operate it, but luckily many won't anymore)

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