[aprssig] Omni DFing...

Chris Howard w0ep at frii.com
Fri May 12 12:20:11 EDT 2006

> Don't need to.  The spec fully supports both PHG
> and DFS reporting. We just need USERS to be
> better educated and to use it.

I'm with Art on this one (not that my opinion carries
great weight or anything).

There seems to be a regular pattern of: 

"Oh and I thought EVERYBODY was ALREADY doing THAT!"

There is a need for some kind of Operator's Manual.

I was hoping that the APRS Wiki would provide a means
of getting the gurus to spill their guts, get stuff out
into the open.   But most of the gurus seem to be
alergic to it or something.  

Until such, if someone comes to me and says: "you aren't using
the approved method as per email on 02/03/05"  They risk
receiving a blank stare.


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