[aprssig] Message services

Jan T. Pharo la2bba at jpharo.net
Tue May 2 13:40:07 EDT 2006

"Phillip B. Pacier" <ad6nh at arrl.net>, Tue, 02 May 2006 09:03:16 -0700:

(quoted parts from me snipped)
>Is there a comprehensive database for worldwide callsigns?

I wouldn't think so.
Callbook editors probably try to get their entries from the
But in not so few countries, the listings are not accessible for the
public at all (e.g. Germany); in other countries, each amateur may
require that her or his details are kept private (e.g. in the UK and
Norway), or only the amateurs of that country may have access to the

73 de Jan, LA2BBA
Hvaler, Norway

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