[aprssig] DIN Connectors

Joe Della Barba joe at dellabarba.com
Fri Mar 17 17:42:44 EST 2006

Both 5 and 6 pin DIN connectors can be had by scavenging old computer 
keyboards. Also EBay must have a ton of both for pretty low dollars.

Fred Atkinson, WB4AEJ wrote:

>    Well, I just got off the phone with MFJ.  They gave me a Jameco part
>number of 15878 (in stock).  I also found a 15879 (the RoHS one, but it is
>not in stock).
>    I can't get a zoom in on that part.  I want to see if it is like the DIN
>that came with the unit (I don't see how to get a soldering iron to the pins
>they way it is configured).
>    But I'm still looking.
>    Regards,
>                                                                    Fred,
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Mullen" <ad4bl at mosquitonet.com>
>To: <fred at WB4AEJ.COM>; "TAPR APRS Mailing List" <aprssig at lists.tapr.org>
>Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 9:46 PM
>Subject: Re: [aprssig] DIN Connectors
>Part number for the 6pin mini-dins at Action electronics is PP-MD6P.  i
>looked at Mouser for them and couldn't find them.

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