[aprssig] WIDEn-N 'Decay Sequence'

Cap Pennell cap at cruzio.com
Mon Jun 19 16:56:19 EDT 2006

Jan LA2BBA wrote:

> Some have been trying to "new-paradigmize" parts of Europe, but I get
> responses with my still practical mobile path of RELAY,TRACE3-3 (or
> was it 2-2? Don't remember right now) in the area where I travel most,
> and I have set MYALIAS in my fill-in digipeater as RELAY _and_ WIDE1-1
> in order to give casual travellers e.g. in boats or cars a lift-off to
> more regional digis.
> --
> 73 de Jan, LA2BBA
> Hvaler, Norway

Oh Jan, say it isn't so.  hi hi  The main problem with improving the VHF
network in North America (too) is all our "set-it-and-forget-it" operators.
Though we hope to "forgive them, for they know not what they do", APRS is
not a "set-it-and-forget it" operating mode of amateur radio.  Amateur radio
has no "set-it-and-forget-it" operating modes.
73, Cap KE6AFE

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