[aprssig] Re: APRS Video Podcast Distribution Challenge

Stan - N0YXV n0yxv at gihams.org
Wed Jul 5 17:54:33 EDT 2006

> Commeants:
> Technical quality of video images ... excellent

Me too very ditto.

>  BUT, you have to download the entire file before playing it.  I would much
> rather have a lower quality video image and be able to stream the video.  A
> video that can be streamed can be *much* longer than the download first
> type. Yes, they *can* be both the same, but if you don't want to view the

Streaming over downloading would be nice.

> entire thing you can stop a streaming video before the whole thing downloads
> .. but if you tell someone that you have to wait 5 or 10 or more minutes
> before they see frame one it would discourage them from even starting the
> process.
> What was the point of the video?... who was it's intended audience?

Me too ditto. Was it meant to get people interested in APRS or in fancy graphics
and music. Didn't find it too informative. I'm trying real hard not to come off
too critical....20 years of producing TV commercials can do that to you. :-) I'm
so critical when it comes to video that I didn't like about 99% of everything I
ever produced.

> edited from the 'original' version?  Was it made for this podcast, or are
> you just taking anything related to APRS?
> Fancy graphics ... somewhat overkill for my taste  (same for the music)

Ditto...hate to say it but reminds me of video I see young producers do. They
though in the kitchen sink just because they can, not because it works or adds
to the content. The 3D Letter Graphics were great just miss placed and too many
of them. Wish I had felt like I learned something when I got done rather than
just be entertained. I think that goes back to the question of "who was it's
intended audience?".

Again sorry if I'm too critical just my opinion. I'm 100% sure I'd have at least
one person disagree with me 100%. That's why we don't all have the same tastes.

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