[aprssig] New-N Paradigm APRS Digipeater statistics

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Mon Jul 3 16:09:51 EDT 2006

Annual report of APRS digipeaters worldwide:

Now, almost 85% of all digis worldwide support the New-N
paradigm.  In the last year, the number of fully New-N ("S") 
digis has trippled to almost 50% of all digis.  But still almost
26% of the old WIDEn-N ("N") digis have not been upgraded to
all the improved effiiencies of the New N paradigm though they
do still support WIDE-N users of the new Paradigm.

New-N-Paradigm Digis:
  S digis  680 was (206)  New-N's that support SSn-N (tripling) 
  L digis   80 was   (80)   New-N's (should become S's)
  P digis  18 was    (13)   New-N   Paccomms 
  1 digis  40 was    (22)   New-N   one-hop digis

There are 15 "F" digis that should be "S" digis because
the "F" idea dead-ended and we decided it was better
to just make them "S" digis because we eventually found
a pretty good fix for the the 8.2 KPC3 settings.

Similarly the "L" digis were also a dead-end idea and they
should also be "S" digis.

Old style digis:
  N  460 was  (620)   Old WIDEn-N's that flood and bad settings.
  T  120 was  (112)   obsolete PacComm Trace digis (need new settings!)
  U  130 was  (150)   UIDIGI ROMS needing updating to "S" digis
  D    60 was    (88)   DIGI_NED software needing updating to "S" digis
  R    90 was    (97)   obsolete RELAY only digis (need to become "1" digis)
  W  12 was     (26)   obsolete WIDE-only digis (all are out of USA)

This shows very good progress on the New-N digis, but
still there are those frustrating 120 Paccomm Digis "T" out
there that can easily support the New-N paradigm with
only a remote-sysop logon and new settings.  THese should
then become new "P" digis, showing they support the
New-N paradigm.

I also see over 970 showing a type of "/#" with no overlay
but 90% of these are all outside the USA, so I cannot
really criticize thse for not showing an overlay character
to show users what they do...

The "N" digis also need updating:

Remember, Altough a New-N user gets through those old "N"
overlay digis, those digis are still not helping to improve
APRS network operations.  These advantages of the New-N 
paradigm are NOT being supported by the old "N" overlay

1) Paths are not traceable
2) Digipeater type is not identifiable
3) User path settings are not shown in the digi's beacon
4) Inefficent DIGI beacon paths are being used (high QRM)
5) Inefficient DIGI beacon rates are being used (High QRM)
6) Local info is not provided on local voice contact info

Here is all abou the New-N paradigm:


All of the advantages of the New-N paradigm are also
advantages in Europe and elsewhere and the only difference
between the USA New-N paradigm and the European 
version is that RELAY is still allowed in Europe.  I suggest 
an overlay of "E" for all those European digis that want to 
go with the New-EU paradigm.

de Wb4APR, Bob

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