[aprssig] SSID Usage

Herb Gerhardt hgerhardt at wavecable.com
Sat Jan 21 14:06:11 EST 2006

I too use -8 for my D700 and that is because I also use -7 for my TH-D7.

I think it is worthwhile to use a specific SSID to signify that the tracker
is capable of messaging.  Using -9 does not indicate that feature.

I realize there is no real set in concrete rule on SSID's, they are just
conventions to make it easier for the users to know what the user might be
and what capabilities they might have.  Then again, there are people like me
that have lots of trackers, both on foot and mobiles, so it is difficult to
follow any real convention when designating which SSID to use for which
tracker.  It is just a suggested convention and not a stead-fast rule.

I don't presently use -9 since that tracker was stolen a few years ago and I
am still waiting for it to pop up on my screen.  Hi, hi.....

Herb, KB7UVC
NW APRS Group, West Sound Coordinator
Mason County APRS Coordinator
lat/long  47 26' 6"N/122 53' 33"W
Where I live:  http://map.findu.com/KB7UVC
Where I am walking:  http://map.findu.com/KB7UVC-7
Where I am driving:  http://map.findu.com/KB7UVC-8
Other vehicle:  http://map.findu.com/KB7UVC-14

Mason County ComVan:  http://map.findu.com/KB7UVC-1
Mason County Relay Truck:  http://map.findu.com/KB7UVC-2
Mason County EOC:  http://map.findu.com/KB7UVC-3
Mason County Foot Tracker:  http://map.findu.com/KB7UVC-6

> -----Original Message-----
> From: aprssig-bounces at lists.tapr.org
> [mailto:aprssig-bounces at lists.tapr.org]On Behalf Of Brian Riley
> Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 10:29 AM
> To: TAPR APRS Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [aprssig] SSID Usage
> I though when the D700's first came out we settled on -8 for D700s.
> Thats what many of us here in NE have been using for five years or more.

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