[aprssig] Screen Scraping of findU

Gregg Wonderly gregg at wonderly.org
Mon Jan 9 18:08:27 EST 2006

Steve Dimse wrote:
> On Jan 9, 2006, at 4:04 PM, Gregg Wonderly wrote:
>> Thanks for the offer Pete.  I'm not sure that I'm headed in that  
>> direction yet.  I haven't heard enough from users about their  
>> expectations for long term information to know that I need more  than 
>> incore history as provided from the current APRS-IS interface.
> In case  I've not been clear, the way xastir does it is great, namely  
> one download from findU, and from there live data from the stream.  This 
> is absolutely no problem, it is those programs that hit findU on  an 
> ongoing, regular basis that are causing problems. Single hits  initiated 
> by user command (e.g. starting a program) are fine.

That is what I am aiming toward now.  When the call is added manually, I'll 
query findu to get the full picture for that station.  It's not a big deal to 
get there, it just requires some time to implement.  I have most of the changes 
made now.

If I need longer term, more randomly queried data support, I'll look at using a 
local database server, such as Pete's software provides to let people create 
their own caches locally for their use.

Gregg Wonderly

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