[aprssig] TNC Sleeping

Andre PE1RDW aprs at pe1rdw.demon.nl
Sun Jan 1 18:32:53 EST 2006

Fred Atkinson, WB4AEJ schreef:

>    Well, I removed the lithium battery and the power cord.  Then I left it
>powered down for well over thirty seconds.  When I put everything back and
>powered it up, everything came back to normal.
>    What is a 'three byte incantation'?
>    73,
>Fred, WB4AEJ
A tnc running in KISS mode under tapr like firmware will stay in KISS 
mode even when turned off and on, the hardware way of getting out of it 
you have already discovered, the software way is to send the kiss return 
command, this is the three byte incantation, from memory this is 0xC0 
0xFF 0xC0.

73 de Andre PE1RDW

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