[aprssig] Magellan screen captures?

scott at opentrac.org scott at opentrac.org
Fri Feb 10 00:51:29 EST 2006

Does anyone know if it's possible to do a screen capture from a Magellan GPS
receiver?  What software is required?  I know that most of the Garmin
receivers will do it, even though it's a very nearly undocumented feature.
I'd like to grab some shots of a Meridian Color.

Magellan waypoint format support for the Tracker2 is working out really
well.  The symbol selection is very limited and everyone's driving around in
either tow trucks or roller coaster cars, but it's got altitude support, and
the comment field is larger than any Garmin equivalent I've seen (46
characters, I think), and has no problems with lower case or special
characters - in fact, you can get extra characters for degrees (magnetic),
miles, nautical miles, and so forth.  I don't think that's a deliberate
feature, but I might have to put some of those to use.

The mapping support's probably not good enough to make me a convert, and the
funky connector is even worse than Garmin's, but it's a pretty solid unit.


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